
以诚待客 共赢发展(en)

以诚待客 共赢发展(en)

            2019年末,芜湖和成矿业发展有限公司经过与我公司详细的技术交流和现场勘测后,我公司为贵公司提出了完善的设计方案,最终和成矿业发展有限公司决定从我公司采购两台振动筛,用于铁矿石的筛分。      设备原定于2020年2月5日交货,由于业主工期调整等原因,希望我公司能提前于1月15日交(en)

<b>共抗疫情 有序复工(en)</b>

共抗疫情 有序复工(en)

            奥瑞(天津)工业技术有限公司,已于2月20日复工,当日复工率只有30%,根据天津市防疫要求,外省市员工抵津后必须隔离14天之后,方可上岗。        复工前公司对厂区进行了消毒,对各部门进行防疫安全工作的宣讲和培训,为员工准备了日常使用的口罩,消毒水等防疫用品,每日进(en)









截止2018年11月底,奥瑞公司市场部已经全面完成了公司年初制定的销售和收款任务,提前一个月圆满完成全年各项指标! 奥瑞公司市场部借着集团整合的东风,认真贯彻集团发展战略指导思想,在公司领导的支持下,各部门鼎力配合,市场部全体人员努力下,顺利完成了公司年初制定的销售和回款任务,并为来年的开局奠定了良好的基础。 (en)

斯凯孚技术交流日 ——加强沟通合作,提升奥瑞产品品质(en)

斯凯孚技术交流日 ——加强沟通合作,提升奥瑞产品品质(en)

为加强公司与供应商之间的沟通合作,优化供需关系。7月6日,世界知名轴承生产商skf集团受邀来我公司,与我方工程师及生产管理人员进行了深入的技术交流。 skf技术工程师用现场演示并讲解了轴承的日常维护和保养、故障诊断等相关知识,并对升级改进的新产品做了介绍,既确保我们在产品使用上的正确和安全性,又提高了设计选型、维护保养等方面的运用能力。 奥瑞与skf集团有着多年的良好合作关系,其产品满足奥瑞振动(en)

aury equipment is exhibited on ugol rossii & miing international trade fair 

aury equipment is exhibited on ugol rossii & miing international trade fair 

ugol rosii & mining international trade fair is taking place in novokuznetsk, russia from 5th to 8th june, 2018. the trade fair was strongly supported by the government of the russian federation and the mining associations of various countries, there were hundreds of companies from all over the world. a set of arbfds1861z double deck flip flop screen and wrsl1400 horizontal vibration centrifuge independently developed and manufactured by aury were exhibited at the trade fair. aury products were expanded awareness of aury brand in the russian market through the trade fair which provide a good opportunity to further enter russia and surrounding markets.

a group of vinacomin visited aury tianjin company

a group of vinacomin visited aury tianjin company

a group of 9 people of vinacomin accompanied by the leaders of our group came to visit aury tianjin workshop. our products have been highly recognized and affirmed by the visitorsof vinacomin. afterwards, the leaders of our group and the visitors came to negotiate with each other, which laid a good foundation for the development of the vietnam market and providing our advanced equipments and high quality services.

a group of suek jsc visited aury workshop and performed final inspection of products

a group of suek jsc visited aury workshop and performed final inspection of products

a group of suek jsc visited our company and performed final inspection and acceptance of products on the afternoon of 14th may. the arhd4080 large-scale double deck horizontal screens passed the finish inspection and acceptance by suek, and the screens have good test performance. the anti-corrosion paint treatment will be carried out. this will prepare for the successful delivery and use on site in russia.

aury vibrating screens have been successfully applied in the russian market for the first time

aury vibrating screens have been successfully applied in the russian market for the first time

 2 sets of arhf2436 high frequency screen with new design have been finished commissioning and operating on site in russia severstal on 8th april, 2018. it is a sign tha

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